
Post Of The Day

+31 There may be a spieces around that is far better at camouflage than chameleons. amirite?

by Janessa12 1 day ago

+4 To a stranger, you're the stranger, amirite?

by Anonymous 46 minutes ago

+6 At what point is a knife not a knife? amirite?

by Anonymous 46 minutes ago

+3 You can be digested. amirite?

by montykutch 46 minutes ago

+6 It might be that due to rising temperatures future societies will experience a shift in active hours, when the majority of the activities will be done in the evening when the sun is setting. amirite?

by Choice_Advantage 46 minutes ago

+18 Maybe dogs like to find and carry sticks because (ancient) humans liked to have sticks, amirite?

by BackgroundTraffic 1 hour ago

+12 It's weird to stay friends with an ex, amirite?

by jacobsonbradly 1 hour ago

+9 there is a very small chance that no coin will ever land on heads ever again, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

+13 I like pooping in public restrooms, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

+12 dipping steak in ketchup does make sense, amirite?

by Randywiza 2 hours ago

-16 Texture doesn't matter. amirite?

by Antoinette76 2 hours ago